Sample reports

This document provides links to several sample reports generated by Lint4j from well-known server-side projects that are widely deployed.

JBoss 3.2 This report is generated by running Lint4j against the HEAD revision of JBoss 3.2.
JBoss 4 This report is generated by running Lint4j against the HEAD revision of JBoss 4.
Tomcat 5 This report is generated by running Lint4j against the HEAD revision of Tomcat 5.
SUN J2SE 1.4.2 This report is generated by running Lint4j against the contents of in SUNs J2SE version 1.4.2.
Sun ECPerf This report is generated by running Lint4j against the sources of the Sun ECPerf J2EE Benchmark.
Sun Blueprint Adventure Builder This report is generated by running Lint4j against the sources of the Sun Blueprint Adventure Builder application.
Sun Blueprint Petstore This report is generated by running Lint4j against the sources of the Sun Blueprint Petstore application.
Sun Blueprint Smart Ticket This report is generated by running Lint4j against the sources of the Sun Blueprint Smart Ticket application.